Bariatric Pre and Post Endoscopy
Coming soon.
Your procedure will be performed at one of these two facilities:
Athens Regional Medical Center: Report directly to the Endoscopy Department in the Talmadge Tower II, second floor. Park in the Parking Garage across from the Talmadge Tower II. You will register in the Endoscopy Department. The main number for Athens Regional is (706) 475-7000.
St. Mary's Hospital: Park in the Parking Deck off of Baxter Street. Report directly to Outpatient Registration near the Emergency Room. You will register there, and will be escorted to the Endoscopy Department. The main number for St. Mary's is (706) 354-3000.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (706) 548-0058. If you have specific questions about the hospital where the procedure is to be performed, please call the hospital directly.
Please see the Contact Us page for street maps.
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